Ready for Party leadership?

February 11, 2021
Ready for Party leadership?

Ready to have a voice in Party leadership?

Become a Chair for one of MCDP's Committees!

The Maricopa County Democratic Party is committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity.

As a Party, we connect bridges across communities with unique experiences and perspectives to reach our ultimate goal - elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

For this reason, MCDP seeks leaders in our Democratic community to become Chairs for our various Party Committees. These committees include:

  • Veterans Outreach Committee
  • Native American Outreach Committee
  • Affirmative Action Committee
  • Candidate Recruitment & Training Committee
  • LGBTQ Committee
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) Committee
  • Education Committee

Are you interested in becoming a Chair for one of these Committees? Submit this form today.

*NOTE: Fill out this form only if you're interested in becoming a Committee Chair. Details on Committee Membership will come at a later date.*

By driving our work through these committees, we not only ensure every person is respected and valued, but we also give underrepresented communities a platform to express their concerns.

In turn, our elected officials produce better public policy. We encourage our Democratic Precinct Committee Members (PCs), supporters, activists, and volunteers to submit their information here if interested in becoming a Chair for one of these committees.

Our Party's strength comes from our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Become a leader today and fill out this form if you're interested in recruiting and engaging more people to become involved in our local Party.

Winning in 2022 starts now. Please help us fill these positions to ensure we are meeting our high standards.

In community,

Nancy Schriber, Chair

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