Circle of Friends

Your Support is Critical to Democratic Success

Over a decade ago, a special group of donors came together to sustain the efforts of the Maricopa County Democratic Party (MCDP). They each pledged to give $1,000 or more annually. Today, with a permanent office and full-time staff, our Circle of Friends members continue to be the lifeblood of MCDP.

Winning Arizona, from the White House to local races, is not possible without winning Maricopa County. Our county represents more than 60% of Arizona's population, is the 4th most populous county in the nation, and is the largest battleground county in the United States. Twenty of Arizona's 30 legislative districts are in Maricopa County, as are 8 of our state's 9 congressional districts.

MCDP's job is to deliver wins in Maricopa County for Democrats from the top to the bottom of the ballot. We simply cannot do this work without the support of our Circle of Friends.

The Maricopa County Democratic Party is the only organization working to elect Democrats across the county and at all levels of government. Maricopa County is crucial for statewide victories, and MCDP's job is to deliver those victories.

Thank you to all of our Circle of Friends members!