Education Committee
Tuesdays at 6 p.m.
I will use my voice. I will vote!
This November, we have the power. We can vote for candidates who will fight for...
- Public Education: fully-fund public education, stop voucher expansions, and raise wages for teachers and support staff
- Immigration and Policing Reform: establish permanent path to citizenship, provide support for migrants, hold police and ICE accountable for misconduct
- Healthcare for all: make healthcare accessible and affordable to all, stop predatory pharmaceutical and insurance companies from profiting off our families.
Register to Vote Find a Polling Location Check Your Voter Registration Status Key Election Dates
Oct. 11: Last Day to Register to Vote
Oct. 12: Ballots Mailed, Early Voting Begins
Oct. 21: Last Day to Request Mail-In Ballot
Oct. 29: Last Day to Mail Back Ballot
Nov. 5: Election Day! Drop-off Ballot or Vote in Person